It provides instructors with the ability to provide instant feedback


Tin can learning is one way to reinforce learning throu […]

Tin can learning is one way to reinforce learning through content and methodology. The Experience API is an open source e-learning software spec that enables learning systems and content to communicate with each other in such a way that both parties can share and document all sorts of educational content. Learning content is documented in a Learning Record Store, where instructors and learners can add, edit and delete items as required. It provides instructors with the ability to provide instant feedback and make course corrections using the existing training index. It also enables students to store their own notes or take lessons on their own.

The tin can API was developed by teachers in the field of educational technology to provide an easy way for teachers to record and track student experiences over the internet. This is accomplished using different protocols including HTTP, SOAP, XML, RDF and HDML. It offers richer data modeling and collaboration, which means that one doesn't have to limit themselves to specific vocabulary, but can create a more comprehensive, hands-on experience with each lesson.

The tin can E-Learning spec has many advantages. The benefits include the following: it removes the boundaries between e-learning and content, promotes collaborative learning, provides for an improved learning experience, and allows for greater customization of the course content. Further, it provides a powerful interface for the developers to access the learning experience and tools used in the course creation process.